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Bay: 01
8 - bit Theater
Remember Nintendo - and most notably the early Final Fantasies? The first webcomic I ever read, this one is by far also the funniest.
Bay: 02
By far my favorite webcomic, Piro has inspired me to continue pursuing my drawing hobby, and partially inspired the creation of this website somehow. Don't listen to him: his art is good, the story becomes emotionally gripping and is phenominally done; Piro and Largo r0x0rz.
Bay: 03
Penny Arcade
Hilarious gamer humor in one-shot webcomic form!
Bay: 04
Light humor at the expense of poor advertisments and more - from Japan! Gets a five-star rating for need-fresh-boxers funny.
Bay: 05
REAL Ultimate Power!
Learn all about ninjas and how badass they really are, by Robert Hamburger, 10-year-old ninja guru. He knows, like I know, that ninjas are totally sweet.
Bay: 06
This site is hilarious. The primary reason for attending is the 'hentai reviews', in which someone who hates hentai games plays and reviews them. Some of the images are not public-computer safe, and you shouldn't read it in a public place anyway, because it's socially embarassing to crap yourself while having laughter-induced muscle spasms, it's that good.